Sunday, 25 September 2011

17 September 2011

Tenth meeting on 17 September 2011 11.30am - 12.30pm

Forth meeting with our beloved supervisor Mr. Premarajan.

Discuss on what should we prepare for our next meeting for presentation.

1. PowerPoint presentation with a few slides for our initial presentation.

2. Prototype for our initial product, which include some basic functionality. It is the overview of our product.

3. Technical manual, which include all the technical specification of the software.

4. User manual, to guide the user on how to use our software.

15 September 2011

Ninth meeting on 15 September 2011 1pm - 2pm

1. Discuss on what is needed in the technical manual

  • We discuss about the basic functionality needed in our software, hence we could come out with the technical manual from there.
  • A prototype is needed to come out with the technical manual. 

Sunday, 18 September 2011

10 September 2011

Eigth meeting on 10 September 2011 11.30am - 12.15pm

Third meeting with our beloved supervisor Mr. Premarajan.

1. Discuss on our functionality
  • We were not firm on our functionality yet, because we couldn't decide what could be done and what not.
  • Mr. Premarajan felt we should firm up on the functionality before we start on anything else.

Saturday, 10 September 2011

03 September 2011

Seventh meeting on 03 September 2011, 10.00am - 2.00pm

1. Meet in Nanyang Polytechnic to discuss and solve the comments given by Mr. Premarajan.

2. Added in new sections in our proposal:
  • Development Tools
  • Business Case
  • Project Schedule
  • Blog name